Refugee Sponsorship Application Service

In this guide, you’ll learn about the details
of the services provided by us and local organizations.

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Ways We Can Help With Sponsorship Application

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In this short guide, we'll walk you through some of our services and how we hope to provide you assistance. To discuss other possible ways of aid at a wider scope, be sure to contact us.

1a. Document Collection

Gathering the right documents for the right applications can be a difficult task, specially for first-time sponsors. We can help you prepare your documents in a timely manner.

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1b. Form Completion

Once documents and forms are gathered, it’s time to electronically answer the questions. And depending on the type of application, there may be a need for translations, supporting files & additional write-ups--all to ensure that the application meets Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) requirements.

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2a. Application Review

Upon form completion, its time to check the application for any missing signatures, documents, improperly answered questions or lack of critical details. Overlooking proper reivew procedures will likely result in returned/rejected applications.

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2b. Application Submission

The recommended method of submission by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is via E-Mail. This method of submission reserves a spot in queue quicklier than physically mailing the application. However, E-Mail submission requires following a specific submission criteria.

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3a. Post-Application Guide

Depending on the type of application submitted, there may be multiple ways of checking for status updates on the submissions. Decisions communicated by Resettlement Operations Center Ontario (ROC-O), may require attention to forms post-submission for revision and processing.

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3b. Know-Hows For Post-Applicant Arrival

Based on recommendations from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), applicants should be introduced to, and made aware of programs available to them--in their newly settled neighbourhood.

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How Winnipeg Organizations are Helping Newcomers

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Here's a breif list of local, Winnipeg organizations that provide services catoring to newcomer needs. This is not an extensive list as there are many more supportive entities that give refugees & newcomers access to resources.

1a. Welcome Place Charity

Once the applicants arrive to Canada, Welcome Place Charity helps them with employment & training, provides orientation about life in Canada, offers english classes, translation services and much more.

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1b. Manitoba Start Charity

Manitoba Start Charity ensures newcommers have access to programs that support their settlement by offering language, training and employment services--similar to Welcome Place Charity.

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2a. Immigration Center

As one of the key figures in the available support providers for newcommers, Immigration Center assists in legal domains, directs social support, encourages physical health & wellness through funded programs and much more.

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2b. Newcommers Employment Development Services (N.E.E.D.S)

NEEDS center primarily focuses on making sure participants are well prepared and ready to join the labour force by supporting inidividuals with work consultation services, job search, volunteering opportunities for youth and much more.

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3a. Manitoba Institute Of Trade & Technology

MITT encompasses large selection of educational resources for newcommers--from language training to post-secondary courses tailed to labour-market needs.

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3b. Family Dynamics Inc.

Family Dynamics Inc. focuses on adimnistering family related services such as: Parental Coaching for stengething parenting skills; Bevaviour support for childcare resources; Counselling for individuals, couples and families--& many more offerings.

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4a. Recreation Centers, Libraries & Community Centers

Most neighbourhoods have ammeneties and services available free of charge to their neibouring residents. These services and activies include: Internet connected public computers within libraries; books, CDs, DVDs for borrow; recreational activities and music for kids; swimming lessons, fitness & dance classes; conversational circles for language improvements.

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Let's Get In Touch

We Can Help You
Sponsor Refugees To Winnipeg

No matter where you are in the sponsorship process, we can provide assistance & guidance to help you submit an error-free application for a better chance of acceptance.

Send Inquiry

Feel free to write us an email with the below form. Alternatively, you can book a call with us or start a chat for quick questions.

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